Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gross Pizza

It is a pizza with a hot dog in the crust......


Anonymous said...

Kik! Write something!

Homeless Diver said...

man, the crap they do with hot dogs here in the PI....go figure.

I was in the Robinsons Mall in Ermita last year haded to the theaters to watch Transformers...I was already in a semi-WTF mood because there were these banners with Gloria Arroyos picture on them telling people to not mess with pirated media.....as every one of these theaters was playing, on the large screen, a pirated version of Transformers a full 2 weeks before its world release date.

Anyhoo...on the top floor theater, they had these vendors and I'll be damned if they didnt have hotdogs stuffed with bacon and cheese, wrapped in slices of bacon, and put into a slice of bread with a slice of pork fat down its length.

Sidney said...

You have a funny blog. Quite charming and refreshing view about the Philippines from an outsider. I will link you under blogs (PH).
I am not blogging anymore but this doesn't really matters.

kikas_head said...

Sidney! NOOOO! You cannot stop! That is horrible news. You have, hands down, the best photo blog I have seen. No one takes pictures like you! So many of them read like awesome candids....best of luck to you and I hope that after a break you come back (or at the least start selling your photos)

Doddie said...

I'd just like to comment that international films are released in different dates in different countries. No big mall in the Philippines would ever dare show a pirated film. Especially in Manila.